I can't edit the pairing of a funded proposal in version 3.0 of the Research Suite. How do I get around this?
The proposal pairing process in Cayuse SP and Cayuse 424 is generally completed while the proposals are in development. Once a proposal has been submitted and funded, the pairing can no longer be directly managed. This is to prevent users from changing the proposal while it is under review or altering the system of record after approvals have occurred.
However, sometimes creating a post-hoc link is necessary. In those cases, an SP administrator can change the pairing after first completing two major steps: changing the Award designation to Anticipated, and changing the proposal status to Unsubmitted. Changing the award and proposal statuses manually in order to manage the pairing will not disturb the routing process, and as long as the statuses are restored after completing the pairing, will not affect reporting. All the steps can be completed in Cayuse SP.
Follow these steps to complete the pairing:
- Search for the proposal you want to pair.
- On the Proposal Administration screen, click the Awards tab.
- Find the first award in this tab that is listed as Obligated in the Reporting Designation column, and click the award number.
- On the Award Administration screen, edit the award information to change the Reporting Designation, shown on the right under the General tab, to Anticipated.
- After saving the award information, return to the proposal by selecting the Proposals tab and clicking the proposal number.
- If there are other Obligated awards on the proposal, repeat steps 3-5.
- After returning to the Proposal Administration screen, find the routing status of the proposal under the General tab and change it to Unsubmitted by clicking the status hyperlink and selecting Unsubmitted in the status list pop-up. Note that the name of this status may vary depending on your institution (e.g. Pending Submission, In Development). Select the status that causes proposals to show in the Unsubmitted bucket on the Proposal Admin screen.
- After completing the status change, click the proposal number at the top of the Proposal Admin screen to view the proposal data.
- On the General Info screen, scroll to the bottom of the page and select Pair with a 424 Proposal.
- Complete the pairing process.
- Click Administer Proposal under the Item List on the left side of the screen.
- Change the routing status of the proposal back to its original status (usually Funded) as described above.
- Click the Awards tab, and again edit each award's reporting designation, changing those that were previously Obligated back to Obligated, using the process described above.
When you've restored the original statuses, the pairing link will be intact and only another administrator will be able to change it, and the proposal and awards will be in their previous status for appropriate reporting.