After filling out the Cost Sharing portion of the Budget section within your proposal, you will complete the F&A Rates portion of the Budget section.
Summary and Detailed Budgets
You can enter up to three F&A rates (Indirect Cost rates) for the current period and for the entire project. You only need to enter multiple rates if you have proposed dollar amounts that use a different F&A rate.
Clicking inside an F&A Rate field will display a table for selecting F&A rates.
If you are using a rate that is not shown in the table, you can enter it yourself using the F&A Rate field at the bottom of the Budget F&A Rate Chart pop-up. Click Change Rate after entering the correct rate.
By default, the effective rate will be calculated and displayed in reporting. To use a different Effective Rate, uncheck the Use calculated values checkbox and enter the desired Effective Rate.
Be sure that if you have unchecked Use calculated values, you have entered the desired Effective Rate, because otherwise you may see calculations that do not match.
Autofill Budget
When the budget type is Autofill, the Effective Rate is autofilled from Cayuse 424 and cannot be edited within Cayuse SP. Access the paired Cayuse 424 proposal and edit its budget to make any necessary changes.
Next, you will fill out the Budget Categories and Additional Resources portions of the Budget section.