After building your research team within your proposal, you will be prompted to complete the Budget section.
The Overview section of the budget displays the Lead PI and Sponsor information. Here, you will select the type of budget you want and the number of budget periods for the project (up to 10). You will also select the Begin Date and End Date for the Current Period using the calendar icons to the right of the fields.
The Entire Project dates are from General Information. Return to that section if you need to update these dates.
You can use the Comments box to input information that would be useful to others.
Please note: Changing the number of budget periods will reset all budget numbers for the Entire Project period. Select the correct number of periods before working on the budget.
Selecting a Budget Type
There are three different types of budgets you can use depending on the way your institution tracks budget data. For any proposal, you may select a Summary or Detailed budget. If your institution has a policy regarding budget form, consult the policy.
- Summary Budget: Shows direct and indirect costs, providing a high-level overview of the project's budget for the current period and for the total project period.
- Detailed Budget: Provides a more fine-grained division of the budget into categories of direct costs, including Personnel, Travel, Equipment, and Materials. The categories are based on the Federal Research and Related (R&R) Budget.
- Autofill Budget: Similar to the Detailed Budget, but all data is filled in using budget data from a linked Cayuse 424 proposal.
Please note: Not all budget forms in Cayuse 424 can transmit information to Cayuse SP. The R&R Budget and the Fed/Non-Fed Budget can be used, but non-standard budgets and most modular budgets cannot. The PHS 398 Modular Budget allows only some fields to autofill.
The budget type can be changed at any time during creation of the proposal. If the data has been saved for one budget type, it will be retained until a new budget type is selected and saved using the Save button at the bottom of the page.
If data for both the Summary and Detailed budget type has been entered but not saved, you can switch between the Summary and Detailed forms without saving the information on either form. As soon as you save the information on either the Summary or Detailed form, any information on the other form will be lost.
Please note: Selecting the Autofill budget will immediately fill the budget from Cayuse 424, and other data will be lost.
If you have selected Autofill, and the Last Autofilled from 424 date is before the most recent changes were made to the budget in Cayuse 424, click Re-Autofill to refresh the data.
Next, you will fill out the cost-sharing portion of the Budget section.