After starting your proposal and filling out General Information, you will be prompted to complete the Investigators/Research Team section.
Adding Your Lead Investigator
To build a Research Team, use the Add Personnel Information section to add people to the proposal with the appropriate roles and effort. Fill out all required fields marked with a red asterisk before clicking Save Personnel.
To add a person, click next to Last Name. In the pop-up window, type the last name of the person you want to find and click Search.
Upon clicking their name, the personnel fields will populate with their information.
The person's home unit will appear in the Unit field, but if you need to assign them to another unit for this work, you can click into the Unit field and select a different unit from the pop-up window. Filter the list by entering the Unit Code or the Unit Name into the empty fields at the top of the pop-up.
The first person you add must be the individual responsible for the technical, regulatory and financial aspects of the project. This person will have the role Lead Principal Investigator. One person on the proposal must have this role before the proposal can be successfully submitted for routing.
Adding Effort
Split Appointments: You can add the same person to the research team multiple times to capture split appointments (research team members who are doing work for more than one department). The research team member's effort may be split among the departments.
- Sponsored Effort %: The individual's total effort in the initial or current budget period. Input 0 if this figure does not apply.
- Cost Shared Effort %: The portion of the individual's total effort that will be cost shared. If the proposal does not make use of cost shared effort, leave this field blank.
- Allocation of Credit %: Used in accordance with your institutional policy regarding allocating credit (example: the unit F&A return will be distributed per the allocation of credit). If your institution does not use this field, leave it blank.
- Person Months: The individual's involvement in Person Months. Input 0 if this figure does not apply.
Once you have completed all needed fields, click Save Personnel.
Adding Other Roles
After you have added your lead investigator, you can add other individuals and roles to your proposal.
- Investigator: A primary contributor to the successful conduct of a research project, or any person who is responsible for the design, conduct, or reporting of research.
- Principal Investigator: Other contributors (if the sponsor allows multiple PIs). Roles that may fall under this designation include Research Scientist, Research Specialist, Research Associate, or Scholar.
- Postdoctoral Research Associate: Individuals with a doctoral degree serving on the research project.
- Graduate Research Assistant: Post baccalaureate students serving on the project.
- Fellow: Students applying for a fellowship or support for dissertation research whose mentor is the Lead Principal Investigator on this proposal.
- Clinical Research Coordinator: Coordinators with responsibility for the conduct of a human subjects study. Responsibilities may include study subject recruitment, arranging subject visits, informed consent, regulatory documents, case report forms, and meeting with study monitors.
- Project Manager: A limited-basis role for program project grants or clinical trials.
- Technical Staff: Staff performing standardized or routine measurements, analyses, or procedures in support of the research project.
- Undergraduate Student: Undergraduates who do not meet the definition of Fellow.
- Administrative Contact: Contacts who have proposal edit rights, but are not named on the budget (e.g., unit contract and grant manager).
- Administrative Assistant: A limited-basis role used on eligible funding opportunities, such as program projects or state contracts.
- Proposal Editor: A role with permissions equal to the Proposal Creator in the SP and 424 records.
- Other Key Participant: Project participants whose role title differs from those above. After selecting Other Key Participant, a field labeled "Role Title" appears beneath the Role. Enter the participant's custom title. The participant's unit will be included in the routing list on the Approving Unit's screen.
- Other Participant (no routing): Like Other Key Participants, except that the participants' units are excluded from the routing list on the Approving Units screen.
List of Personnel
This area shows personnel who have already been added. Click Edit to make changes to an entry, or click Delete to remove a person from the proposal.
Lead Principal Investigators and Principal Investigators will receive an electronic notification certifying their role on this project prior to submission.