Upon filling out General and Sponsor Information when creating your proposal, you will see an option to pair your Cayuse SP proposal with a Cayuse 424 proposal. During proposal creation, only one of these options is active: Create a Paired Proposal. Upon saving this page, Pair with a 424 Proposal will also be active.
We recommend building your proposal in Cayuse SP, but proposals can also be paired after creation.
When the proposals are linked, routing in Cayuse 424 is turned off and handled through Cayuse SP. If the proposal is a federal proposal, the Cayuse 424 proposal will be the proposal submitted to Grants.gov.
Creating a New Paired Proposal
- Once you have filled out all the basic information required to create your proposal, click Create a Paired Proposal.
- Depending on your settings, Cayuse 424 will open in a new window or tab, and the Create Proposal dialog box will pop up.
- The Cayuse SP Proposal's Short Project Name becomes the Cayuse 424 proposal's Proposal Name, and the Sponsor Deadline is the Due Date. This information is carried over from Cayuse SP for your convenience, and you can change it as you would for any Cayuse 424 proposal. This will not affect the linkage between the proposals.
- Follow the steps for creating a Cayuse 424 proposal.
Once you have completed the proposal creation in Cayuse 424, you'll see your newly-created proposal with next to the proposal name at the top . Clicking on the icon will direct you back to Cayuse SP.
Pairing an Existing Cayuse 424 Proposal
- If you know that there is already an existing Cayuse 424 proposal for your Cayuse SP proposal, click Pair with a Cayuse 424 Proposal after saving the General Information page.
- A dialogue window will show you a list of 424 proposals that you can pair with. Click on the proposal you want to link.
You will now be able to access the 424 proposal by clicking on Cayuse 424 Proposal in the side menu.