Sponsors with your institution's specific sponsor codes may be bulk-loaded into this administrative section of Cayuse Proposals for use in reporting using the optional internal Proposal summary form. Maintaining the sponsor list is a manual task, and the list is not automatically kept in alphabetical order. If you would like to make major revisions to your sponsor code list, please contact Cayuse Support for assistance in re-sorting and reloading your sponsors.
Adding a Sponsor
- In the menu, click on More.
- Beneath Sponsor Information, click Sponsor Codes.
- To add a code, scroll to the bottom of the list and click the green plus icon. You'll be prompted to fill in the sponsor code and name in a dialog box.
Managing Sponsors
To delete or edit a sponsor, click on the red X or pencil icon next to each sponsor.
To bulk load sponsor codes, click on Bulk Load Sponsor Codes at the top of the screen.
Your spreadsheet should be formatted so the first column is Codes, and the second column is Title.