Anesthetic Monitoring stores historical information from the activity as part of a surgical procedure or as its own monitoring event. An Anesthetic Monitoring record consists of a set of time-based vitals observed during the monitoring process. Each set of data is unique to the Anesthetic Monitoring session.
Starting a New Monitoring Case from Search
- Search for the animal for which you wish to start a case. Highlight the animal and click Start New Case.
- Choose Anesthetic Monitoring in the Case Category drop-down and click Start Case.
On the new Case Management page, Anesthetic Monitoring will be checked in the Table of Contents. Click Anesthetic Monitoring to provide the Schedule Date and Instructions, enter your password, and click Start Treatment.
Anesthetic Monitoring on the Calendar
When Anesthetic Monitoring is created as a Case Category and is not attached to a Surgery, the VET will only see the Anesthetic Monitoring Activity on the Calendar. When Anesthetic Monitoring is attached to a Surgery by checking Yes on the Will Anesthetic Monitoring be Required? in a Surgery Case, the VET will see both the Surgery and the Anesthetic Monitoring Activities on the Calendar.
To add new vitals:
- Click Daily Activities from your dashboard, and click on the facility of the animal.
- Click on the record in the calendar.
- On the Anesthetic Monitoring page, click Add New Vitals Record. Fill in the information and click Save at the bottom of the page.