After completing the Subcontractors section of your proposal, you will be prompted to complete the Export Control section.
These questions are required.
The Lead Principal Investigator must work with the Central Admin Office to determine that any research affected by the Export Control Act complies with its regulations and reporting requirements far enough in advance to obtain an export license, should one be required.
Any change in scope or addition of new staff may require a re-determination.
Please contact your Central Admin Office or Environmental Health & Safety Office if you have any questions about export control regulations.
Once you are finished answering all of the questions within the Export Control section, click .
Question List
- Have you signed or been asked to sign a DoD Form 2345 Militarily Critical Technical Data Agreement related to this project?
- Do you anticipate that the project work may involve:
- Sending, transporting, transmitting, or carrying any material or equipment related to this project outside the US (examples include: GPS, biologicals, diagnostic kits, reagents)
- Travel outside the US?
- Transmitting funds (through payments, for example) or goods or technology to any of the following countries on the OFAC list.
- Some types of research may have export control implications even if all work is conducted within the U.S. Do you anticipate that the project work may involve:
- Non-commercial encryption or information security software?
- Any equipment, technology, materials or software specifically designed, modified, or adapted (even slightly) for a military purpose or that may involve national security?
- Any classified materials, equipment, technology or data?