There are two types of stem questions that you can add to submission forms. Radio button groups allow the user to select one answer, while check box groups allow the user to choose as many answers as they wish.
Adding Radio Button Groups
- Open up your template, and click on a section to edit.
- From the right-hand item pane, click on Radio Button Group and drag the item to where you would like the question to appear on the form.
- Click into the label, title, and description lines to begin adding question information. Click to save the text.
- Click the field next to the first radio button to type the question's first answer.
- To add additional answers, click on .
To delete an option, click on it, and then click .
Click and drag to rearrange answers.
You can further customize the properties of the question or answers by clicking on a question or answer and editing the fields within the right-hand Properties pane.
Adding Check Box Groups
- Open up your template, and click on a section to edit.
- From the right-hand item pane, click on Check Box Group and drag the item to where you would like the question to appear on the form.
- Click into the label, title, and description lines to begin adding question information. Click to save the text.
- Click the field next to the first check box to type the question's first answer.
- To add additional answers, click on .
To delete an answer, click on it, and then click .
Click on and drag to rearrange the answers.
You can further customize the properties of the question or answers by clicking on a question or answer and editing the fields within the right-hand Properties pane.
Required vs. Optional Questions
Optional vs. Required: If questions, sections, and attachments are optional, users may skip them, potentially leading to incomplete submissions. Make sure to mark necessary items as Required.
Tip: To avoid frustration, it's best practice to add a "None of the Above" option to required multiple choice/select questions.