Please note: If you are moving from the standalone application of Proposals (S2S) to the Platform version, there are significant role permission differences to be aware of when setting up the Admin Module.
Since all admin data management for Proposals (S2S) on the Platform is controlled within the Admin module, any user with the Pre-Award Admin or SysAdmin role that would like to retain the same permissions level will need to be given the Platform role of RS Admin Administrator. However, it is worth noting that the RS Admin Administrator role provides a significant increase in permissions over the standalone roles mentioned above.
Please assign the RS Admin Administrator role with caution and reach out to your Cayuse account contact if you have questions.
Getting Started
This set of preferences governs the default permissions for different entities and roles in the system, and whether certain changes in permissions are communicated to users.
Pre-Award Admin Access
This preference controls the access that Pre-Award Admins have to Profiles and Proposals.
If Pre-Award Admins have full access (read and write) to profiles and proposals, they can be most effective in helping users with profile management and proposal development, as well as being more aware of the full proposal development cycle.
However, investigators may consider proposal development a private matter and prefer to keep their proposal under wraps until it reaches a viable stage, then allow Pre-Award Admins access.
These permissions apply most of the time, but if you are using routing and the proposal has already been approved by the AOR, a Pre-Award Admin will have only Read access to that proposal.
Default Permissions for All Users
These preferences define default permissions for all users of the system for newly created professional and institutional profiles. Data contained in professional and institutional profiles is intended to be autofilled into proposals. To make the most of autofill functionality in Cayuse 424, we recommend List, Read, Autofill for both of these preferences. From Cayuse 424 version 5.1, it is no longer possible to add "AllUsers" explicitly to individual profiles, so whatever you choose here will determine the visibility of profiles for most users.
Permissions Change Notification
If you select Yes, Cayuse 424 will send e-mail notifications when a user is granted new permissions to a proposal. This message also conveniently contains a direct link to the proposal within Cayuse 424.
Email Notification on Autofill
If you select Yes, Cayuse 424 will an e-mail notification when a user is autofilled on a proposal. The message includes the name of the user who did the autofill, the role that you've been autofilled as and the name of the proposal you've been autofilled on.