After adding your abstract to your proposal, you will be prompted to add any relevant attachments.
You may add as many attachments as necessary to your proposal. Attachments may include amendments, budgets, JIT, letters of intent, and other documents.
If adding subcontractors, you should upload the following:
- Statement of Work
- Budget
- Budget Justification
- Outgoing Subcontract Commitment Letter (signed)
- The negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement
- Representations and Certifications
In the unusual case that no attachments are needed, you can click to complete this section.
To add an attachment, click to open a file selection dialog and locate the file you want to upload. There is no restriction on file size, but larger documents will take more time to upload. Any file type (with the exception of .exe) is acceptable.
After selecting the document, assign the appropriate document type. Click . You can also click to clear your file.
When the file has completely finished uploading, it will appear in the Attachment table below. You can download documents from this area by clicking on the file name.
If you have permissions to do so, you can click the listing under Access to change who can see the document.
You can also click to delete the attachment. Attachments can only be deleted individually.