Census Coordinators can open and complete or cancel animal transfer requests.
- In the left menu, click on Animal Transfers.
- Click on the number of the request.
- On the Transfer from Protocol screen, you can fulfill the request, return the request to the sender, or reject the request. Once you have filled out all of the fields, click Submit Request.
Fulfilling a Request
To fulfill the request, the original cage card must be placed in the Card Identifier field. Include the number of animals to be transferred from that cage. Additional cages can be added to the transfer by clicking Add Card to List.
Animal numbers in the list of selected cards must match the request number in order to submit request. Warnings will appear if number of animals exceed the count in the cage and if the number requested per cage exceeds number originally requested.
Submitting request will bring up a new page where you can check Debit Requester Protocol with # of Transferred Animals and/or Credit Source Protocol with # of Transferred Animals. Click Submit Request.
The Finish Request Information page provides fields for Housing Location , Housing Type , and Housing Account . Print cages by checking Print Cards and choosing the card layout. Click Finish Request to complete the transfer.
Fill in the reason for change, and click Confirm.
Return for More Information
Transfers can be sent back to the sender for additional information. Make sure to fill in the Please include notes to Requester field before clicking Submit Request.
Rejecting a Request
Reject a transfer request by choosing Reject Request, filling in an explanation for request rejection, and clicking Submit Request.
Cancelling a Request
To cancel a transfer request, you can highlight the line on the list page by clicking on it, and then click Cancel Request.
Specify the reason for the cancellation, and click Cancel Request.