The Cage Card Management application allows Census Coordinators to print cage cards. Click the menu next to Cage Card Management, and click Print Cage Cards.
Select the printing range option in the Choose Option field.
Print cards for Selected Delivery Range
- From Date: Date selected will be the start of the delivery date range to print over. Must be before “To Date”.
- To Date: Date selected will be the end of the delivery date range to print over.
- Animal Source: Filters orders by Commercial or Non-commercial source.
- Facility/Room Number: Filters orders by the selected facility and room. The Room Number list is based off the Facility chosen.
- Order Status: Filters orders by Order Status “Open” or “Placed”.
- Number of Labels to Skip: If choosing layout = 5160 address labels (30 to a sheet) – you may print on a partial sheet of labels by indicating here how many labels to skip.
Print Cards for Selected Order Number and/or Line Item
- Order #: Enter order number.
- Line #: Enter line item number.
Please Note: Cards may also be printed by Room and Card Number.
Downloading and Opening
Clicking Print Cards opens up the Downloaded Files page with a list of all cage cards print PDFs generated. Clicking on the File Name will open the PDF.
The range of cards and layout reflects what was indicated on the Print Cage Cards page. Here's an example of a Cage Card layout: