As a Census Coordinator, you can change the financial account attached to the card by clicking on the on the arrow next to Animal Inventory and clicking on Cage Account Transfer. You can also change the housing (per diem) type on card records by clicking Housing Type Transfer.
- Effective Date: date for the transfer to be effective. Must be in current month
- Card Status:
- Active: moves the records of cards that are active.
- Active During Current Month: moves the records that were deactivated in the current month.
- Inactive: moves the records of cards that are inactive, such as breeding cards that have been placed in the room prior to weaning.
- Transfer from Account: auto complete field. Allows user to select from all accounts.
- Choose Option:
- Transfer by scanning cages: scan or type card numbers to transfer one cage at a time.
- Transfer for selected order: enter an order and line item and you can transfer all cages for that order.
- Transfer for protocol: system retrieves a list of protocol cards and displays cage account transfer.
- Transfer all cages: allow user to transfer all cages for selected Transfer from account.