The Daily Planning feature is one of the main tools that the Scheduler roles will use in Resource Scheduling. At a very high-level this feature will be used to view room activity assignments, and it will allow the Scheduler to change resource assignments and activity dates.
In order to access Daily Planning select the corresponding tile on the Home Page.
You can see the summary for today on the tile: how many activities are assigned for today.
Daily Plan Units View
In order to get to the Units View, click on Daily Planning Tile on the Home page.
Tiles: shows all facilities AND areas assigned to the selected Unit as a tile; shows a list of primary schedulers for each facility/area (first name or nickname)
In case any activity is un-assigned, over- or under-allocated staff available, you can see the tile like:
In case all activities are assigned, no over- and under-allocated staff available, you can see the tile like:
Default selection to the logged-in scheduler's associated Unit, all associated units marked as “(my unit)”:
Also, you can add Unplanned activity, log PTO, and open Statistics from Daily Plan Units View:
Staff and Room # filters: Tile Filters (unique to Unit Mode): shows a list of all schedulers assigned to Unit as checkboxes. When checked, only show tiles that the checked scheduler is a primary scheduler for. Tile Filters only affect the showing or hiding of Tiles. They do not affect Statistics Pane.
Statistic values depend on the selected Unit.
Room View
In order to get to the Room View, click on Facility Tile or Area Tile on Daily Plan Units View.
Room Activities Dialog
To view Room Activity Dialog, click the 3-dots icon on the tile: