Editing Project Information
When a project is first created, if it is linked to a proposal through an Award, the Project Title, PI, Project Begin Date, Project End Date, Admin Award Unit, Primary Administrative Contact, Sponsor, and Prime Sponsor flow into the Project from the Proposal, if they were entered in the proposal (the Prime Sponsor is not required, and therefore may not be present).
However, these items can be changed within the project. If you need to change one of these, enter or select a new value, then click Save Project Details.
Deleting a Project
Projects can only be deleted only by Global administrators. To delete the project, click Delete Project. A project cannot be deleted as long as there are linked awards, subcontracts, proposals, attachments, workflow events, and notes.
Caution: Like other deletions in SP, this action is permanent. Be sure you want to delete the Project before you confirm.