Accounts in Cayuse SP allow you to enter detailed information about the account. Only a few fields are required, but other fields are automatically populated or may be helpful in maintaining your business process.
Each field on the Account screen in Cayuse SP is described briefly below.
Account No: Enter the number used for this account in your financial system. Account numbers may contain letters, numbers, and hyphens, but no spaces or special characters. The maximum length is 50.
Account Type:
- Prime: Parent account for a grouping of accounts.
- Non-working Prime: A pass-through account with no expenditures; funding is transferred to other accounts on the project.
- Sub: Child account.
Date Established: Defaults to the date when the account record is created. Can be manually updated.
PI: The PI named on the General tab of Project Administration flows into this field.
Unit: The Admin Award Unit on the General tab for the Project flows into this field.
Budget Begin Date: Select the date. This value does not flow from the project or award.
Budget End Date: Select the date. This value does not flow from the project or award.
- Active: Active account.
- Frozen / Inactive: Account is frozen to prevent expenditures. This occurs when the account is in the process of being closed out or the research is shut down.
- Preliminary: Used for Pre-Award Spending. A post-award administrator converts the account to Active when the award notice arrives.
- Set-Up in Progress: Account is currently in the process of being established and is not yet finalized.
Sponsor Award No: For NIH it would be the same as the grant number they assign, but for other sponsors the number may change from proposal to award. This value does not flow from the award.
Map Code: Represents where the account maps to within your account hierarchy. Your institution may have map codes for different types of sponsors.
COA History Seq: Continuing Account History Sequence Number. It represents the number of times an account number has been used. If this was the second use of the account number, this number would be 2.
Continuing Acct No / Old Account Number: Use the Continuing Account No and Old Account No fields to cross reference old and new fund numbers when moving between competing cycles or when moving carry forward funds between accounts. Enter the new fund number as the Continuing Acct No on the old Account, and the old fund number as the Old Account No on the new account.
Technical Report Date: Denotes when the Progress Report is due. For NIH it would be 45 days prior to the start of the next budget period for SNAPs and 60 days prior for paper applications (P01s, for example).
Final Report Date: Denotes when the Final Progress Report is due. For NIH it would be due within 90 days of the end of the final budget period.
GC Code: Grants and Contracts code.
ABR Code: Automatic Budget Reallocation. Defines to what extent your institution can re-budget on the project without seeking agency approval. The codes represent different conditions that may exist contractually on a contract or grant.
Designated Restriction: A classification that determines contractually how your institution handles a specific project. Could be used to track if there are sponsor restrictions on equipment, stem cells, humans, etc.
Equipment Ownership Code: Defines whether equipment is owned by the institution or by the funding agency based upon the terms specified in the grant.
Expanded Authority
- Dictates reporting frequency, budget restrictions, and other requirements.
- Sometimes specified on a project-by-project basis.
- It governs the flexibility an institution has been granted for managing a project.
Related Income Account: Sometimes necessary if the project involves hosting a workshop or seminar. It's not uncommon for the PI or project team to charge for admissions, registration fees, or seminar fees. Such fees can't be co-mingled with grant funds. Institutions may choose to set up a separate income account for this purpose.
Related Interest Account: Depending on the accounting system, grant funds can earn interest. This is a documentation point for interest.
Related Matching Account: Record the account from which matching dollars would come if there is required cost matching. Some sponsors require a 1:1 match whereby the institution must give $1.00 to the project from institutional funds for every $1.00 the sponsor awards.
Prior Approval Code: Designed for clinical trials, but every institution likely has its own standard for this field.
Limit of Cost: Designed for clinical trials, but could be used to designate cost ceilings for the account. Most sponsored accounts have cost ceilings. Some accounts like clinical trials are enrollment based and technically do not have a cost ceiling.
Account Manager: Displays the Research Account Manager designated to the unit administering the project. Click to view the Research Account Manager's contact information when viewing an existing account. This role is defined in Cayuse Research Contacts.
Cost Sharing: Denotes whether cost sharing is present.
F&A Rate: F&A Rate for this particular account. Different parts of the budget may be subject to different rates. Required except for Temp Accounts.
F&A Type: Institution-specific field.
Off Campus: Denotes whether the F&A rate is considered an off-campus rate. May already be reflected in F&A Type field.
FROE Completed: Final Report of Expenditures. Equivalent to the date that your institution files the final financial report with the sponsor.
ARRA (Stimulus) Funding: Denotes whether all funds in the account are Stimulus funded.
Preliminary accounts also have a field Amount on Award that is required. Enter the amount to be distributed through Pre-Award Spending in this field.