Where does the information come from on my Professional Profile Performance Site?
When a person's Professional Profile is created, it's not always clear where the information on the Professional Profile's Performance Site is pulled from.
(Of course the information can be entered by hand, but that may not be the most efficient method.)
One time saver is that the information can be pulled onto the Performance Site screen using the [Fill from Contact/Org Info] button at the top of the Performance Site screen.
When using the [Fill from Contact/Org Info] button, the information is pulled from two (2) sources: The person's Contact Info and the associated Institutional Profile.
When populating the person's Performance Site information, all but the last two lines of the person's Contact Info is pulled onto the Performance Site (yellow highlighting both above and below).
The two remaining fields, the Organizational DUNS and the Congressional District information, are pulled from the Institutional Profile of the person's associated institution (pink highlighting).
Whatever information is included in the Contact Info and the Institutional Profile screens can be pulled onto a proposal's RR Performance Site form through the autofill function on the RR Key Persons form, if:
1. Active is flagged under the Performance Site section of a key person's Proposals professional profile.
2. the checkbox for Include Performance Site is flagged when performing an autofill from a proposal's RR Key Persons form.