The following types of new templates can be created to replace default templates:
- Email Template: Create this template for any email correspondence tied to a technology, patent, or agreement record. These emails will be displayed within the Email Correspondence section of the associated record.
- Marketing Slick: Create this template for marketing campaigns. They will appear in the Slick section of the associated Campaign record. These templates can also be used for all records within Inventions.
- Invoice Template: Create this template for invoicing. They can be used for individual invoice generation, as well as bulk invoicing. These will be displayed within the Email Correspondence section of the associated Agreement record and/or Invoice.
Creating an Email Template or Marketing Slick
- Click on New Template.
- Fill out the Template Name and Subject. Select the template Type (Email Invoice or Marketing Slick) from the drop-down menu.
- Type the email body into the message box. You may use the toolbar to further customize your template.
- Click Submit once the template is complete.
- The newly created template will appear under the Manage My Templates header. From there, templates can be edited or deleted.
Creating an Invoice Template
- Click on New Template.
- Fill out the Template Name. Select the Invoice Template from the Type drop-down menu.
- When creating an Invoice Template, each section allows you to choose a placeholder that will populate the field when sent. You may add additional text after selecting a placeholder. For example, in the image below, the option Contact - External was selected for the To section. When this Invoice Template is sent, the external contact associated with the record will be automatically added to that field and receive it.
- Type the email body into the message box. You may use the toolbar to further customize your template. You may also use additional placeholder options that are available underneath the message box, as shown in the example image below.
Click Submit once the template is complete.
The newly created template will appear under the Manage My Templates header.