To schedule a close, click on the Period Close Schedule tab.
Click Schedule Run.
Choose a Run Type and time, and click Schedule.
Trial Closes
A trial close may be run anytime for the current accounting period and will generate trial invoices for the investigators. A trial close will include:
- Animal purchases that have been received and reconciled to date, with a receipt date prior to the accounting period end date.
- Census charges projected to the end of the accounting period based on the active inventory when the close was run.
- Service charges with a date completed prior to the accounting period end date.
Not all steps are included in the Trial run. For example, a trial run does not include the step which actually closes out the period and starts the next accounting period.
Trial invoices display on the home page in the alert Trial Invoices until a new Trial or Period close is begun, at which point they are deleted. Trial invoices are not saved.
Period Closes
A period close may be run after the last day of the accounting period. This generates invoices for the investigators including the same transactions as a trial, except the census charges now reflect actual active inventory for the month.
Period close invoices display on the home page in the alert Trial Invoices and in the alert Six Month Rolling Invoices. When a new Trial close is begun the alert Trial Invoices is emptied and the new trial invoices will display in this alert at the completion of the Trial close. The six most recent Period close invoices display in the alert Six Month Rolling Invoices. All period close invoices are retrievable through Invoice Search.
Immediate and Off-Peak Hours
Cayuse support works with the client to install a scheduler to run a scheduled trial/close based on client requests. For example, the scheduler might be set up to check every hour on the hour for a scheduled trial/close, or it might check only at the end of the day. For schedulers checking every hour:
- Immediate Trial Close: Executed and run to completion on the next hour.
- Immediate Period Close: Executed and run to the Close Period step on the next hour, at which point the run will pause. The purpose of the pause is allow the user a final chance to review invoices.
- If no issues are found, click Resume and the final steps will be run to archive the data and setup the next period close month. The archive step is an additional API that is scheduled during the night after 9 pm.
- If issues are found, click Cancel and the period close is cancelled. You may then correct the problem and schedule a new Period Close.
- Off Peak Trial Close: Executed and run to the Close Period Step after 9pm at which point it will pause. See above for steps to Resume or Cancel the Period Close when it pauses.
Both the trial and period close have steps to send emails to users in the Business Office security role as a notification that the run has been completed.