As a Cayuse SP System Administrator using the Simplified Form Builder, you will need to build and configure the forms your researchers will need when they create proposals, awards and subawards.
Forms can be as simple or complex as you need them to be. You are able to organize them by grouping elements (questions, informational text, research team) into Sections. You can also:
- Reorganize the elements by dragging them up or down on the page.
- Number and label your elements for easy distinction.
- Create rules so certain questions only appear when their parent question is answered in a specific way.
Please note: For additional information on the Simplified Form Builder and Advanced Form Builder including required fields, see the SP 4.0 Form Builders: Required Fields article.
Accessing the Form Builder
- In the menu, click on More, and then click on Forms.
- Click on the form you would like to configure.
The form will open in the Form Builder.
Understanding and Managing Sections
Form Sections allow you to group questions logically. Each section will be configured by adding Form Elements to the section.
You may need to add, rearrange, rename or delete sections within your form. To complete these actions, click the Form Sections settings wheel.
Make desired changes from the Manage Sections box, and then click Save.
- Add a new section: Click + sign next to bottom section to create a new section.
- Rearrange sections: Click three dots on the left and drag section to a new location.
- Delete a section: Click trashcan icon on the section you wish to delete.
- Rename a section: Delete existing section name and type the updated section name.
Adding and Rearranging Form Elements
Click on the Form Section you would like to add elements into or edit.
Different types of Form Elements can be used in SP 4.0 forms:
- Questions: Displays optional or required question to the user.
- Information Text: Provides context or instructions to the user.
- Sponsored Project Elements: See below for more information.
Form Elements can be added into Form Sections by dragging them from the Form Builder and dropping them into the body of the template.
Once an Element is placed on the page, you can rearrange it by clicking the six dots and dragging the element to a new location.
You may choose to add or edit information within your elements.
Sponsored Project Elements
Sponsored Project Elements work the same as the Form Elements above. Drag and drop them into the Form Section and location of your choosing, or create a new Form Section for your elements.
Please note: With the exception of the AU NZ Classification Code element, only one of these elements should be added per form.
- Research Team: Ability to add team members, roles, internal associations, external associations, effort, or credit for projects (see below for more information).
- Outside Interests Disclosure Search: Display the status of the disclosures created for the applicable research team members.
- Animal Oversight: Coming soon.
- Hazard Safety: Coming soon.
- SP-S2S Integration: search for and connect existing S2S proposals or create a new one to be linked to the SP proposal
- Summary Budget Importer: Manually enter summary values or populate the values directly from the Budget Builder.
- Human Ethics Study Search: Search for and add connected studies.
- AU NZ Classification Code: Search for Australian and New Zealand research classification codes.
- Funding Program: Search for and add Funding Program and Funding Round
Editing Elements
- Click on the link to access Settings and Display Rules tabs for editing.
- Add or edit the preferred question number within the section.
- Add or edit a question title.
- Select a question type from the drop down menu of options. Click here to learn more about question types.
- Check the box to make the question required. All questions are optional by default.
- Add a tooltip. This may be a good field to indicate who to contact for assistance.
- Add a description. This may be a good field to insert question instructions.
To save all updates, click on Save Draft.
Research Team Object:
Settings in the form builder
Within the form builder there are new settings on the research team object to support adding/removing the desired options. These settings include:
- Allow External Researchers: If selected, an association radio button selection is displayed for each research team member, allowing either an internal or external member to be listed. If not enabled, this radio button is not displayed and the object only allows internal members to be populated on the research team object. More on this below
- Allow creation of new external researchers: Only displayed if "Allow External Researchers" is selected. If this option is selected, both workflows of searching for external researchers in the Admin module and adding new external researchers on the fly will be allowed. If not selected, only the workflow of adding external researchers that exist in the Admin module will be allowed.
- Display Credit Field: If selected, each internal team member will have the Credit field displayed. If not selected, the Credit field will be hidden from the research team object.
- Display Sponsored Effort: If selected, each internal team member will have the Sponsored Effort fields displayed. If not selected, the Sponsored Effort fields will be hidden from the research team object.
- Display Cost Share Effort: If selected, each internal team member will have the Cost Share Effort fields displayed. If not selected, the Cost Share Effort fields will be hidden from the research team object.
- Default Effort Format: Can be set to either Percentage or Months. This only defines what format to show by default. Once on a record, the effort format (if any effort fields are displayed) can be toggled between percentage and months (more on this below).
Required Settings
There are three new required settings to go along with the existing general Required setting, including:
- Required: This controls whether the object is required or not. None of the other required settings can be selected if this is not selected. If this is the only Required setting selected, then the research team object would require populating the Name, Role, and Internal/External Association field. When this option is not selected, no fields on the research team object will be required.
- Credit Field required: This is only displayed on the form builder if the general Required setting is selected and the Display Credit Field setting is selected. When this option is selected, the Credit field will be required for each team member. When this option is not selected, the Credit field will not be required.
- Sponsored Effort required: This is only displayed on the form builder if the general Required setting is selected and the Display Sponsored Effort Field setting is selected. When this option is selected, the Sponsored Effort fields will be required for each internal team member (whichever appointment type fields are enabled for the selected internal association). When this option is not selected, the Sponsored Effort fields will not be required.
- Cost Share Effort required: This is only displayed on the form builder if the general Required setting is selected and the Display Cost Share Effort Field setting is selected. When this option is selected, the Cost Share Effort fields will be required for each internal team member (whichever appointment type fields are enabled for the selected internal association). When this option is not selected, the Cost Share Effort fields will not be required.
SFB Settings
Default settings state when research team object added to a form
Example of all settings available for the research team object
AFB Settings
Default settings state when research team object added to a form
- Example of all settings available for the research team object
Display Rules
With display rules, you can customize when your questions appear. For example, a question may only apply to a researcher if they answered 'yes' to the previous question.
To set up a rule for the question, click on the Display Rules tab. Click Add Group, and then click Add Question and Answer.
You are choosing the question or specific answer that will trigger your current question to appear. Clicking on the > icon will advance you deeper into the structural hierarchy (Section to Question to Options). Click the + sign to select the 'Options' trigger.
To save all updates, click on Save Draft.
You can apply subsequent rule groups by clicking on Add Question and Answer.
Previewing and Publishing Proposal Forms
You may preview forms prior to publishing by following steps in this article. When you are ready to publish your form, please refer to this article.