What we’ll cover:
- How to create new funds
- Understanding new fund fields
- Editing a fund
- Additional field definition information
Applicable Roles:
- FM Global Admin
Before getting started, please note:
Learn how to add or update a fund type code prior to creating a new fund.
You can create a new fund manually within Shared Codes. Funds show up across multiple modules within Cayuse Fund Manager, and you can add related grants, effort, and cost centers to them.
Please note: The terms Account and Fund are interchangeable in this article as some versions of the application use one and not the other.
Creating a New Fund
- In the top right-hand corner, click Codes.
- Under Shared Codes, click Funds.
- Click New Fund in the top right-hand corner.
- When you have finished filling out the fields, click Create.
New Fund Fields
- Fund Code: Can be alphanumeric or mixed case.
- Fund Name: Choose an easily identifiable name for the account.
- Fund Type: Options created within the Codes module and help define the type of account, such as clinical trial, foundation research, etc., limited to eight characters.
- Org Unit: A department to which a fund is associated (must be an Org Unit from Admin). Example: Biology.
- Fund Status Type: Clarifies whether or not the code is active or terminated.
- Effort Fund Type: Only appears if your organization has the Project Effort application. Defines whether a fund requires certification.
- Object Set: A chart of accounts for one entity, such as university expenditures, state matching funds, etc.
Editing a Fund
To edit a fund, click Codes in the top right-hand corner. Beneath Shared Codes, click Funds. Then, click on the desired Fund Code.
On the left-hand side is a menu listing categories within Fund Detail.
- General: Click Edit Fund Summary to edit basic details of an account.
- Grant: Only appears if your organization has the Grant application. Click Assign Grant to Account to associate an existing grant to an account. A drop-down menu will show you the numbers and names of existing grants within the system. Click Save to associate the grant.
- Effort (if available for your organization): Click Edit Fund Effort to add Activity Group Type, Effort Fund Type, Certifier, and Proxy.
- Cost Centers: Click Add Cost Center to add a Cost Center to the account. The purpose of this capability is to provide information but also will reduce the filter view of the cost center on any manual data entry filters within Fund Manager to ensure that only Cost Centers that are attached to a Fund can be selected.
Additional Information
Learn more about fields and definitions.