The process of attaching a subaward to a prime proposal is called linking. When a subaward is linked to a prime proposal, it will be submitted with that proposal, and will also display with that proposal in the Proposals List. A proposal with attached subawards will be indicated by a + or - beside the Prime proposal. A subaward can only be linked to one prime proposal. When the prime proposal is open, the subaward can be opened from the Subawards tab and its information is included on the Subaward Budget Attachment Form.
Information Transfer From Linked Subawards to the Prime
When a subaward is linked to a prime proposal, the following data transfer occurs:
- Any Key Persons or Performance Sites on a linked subaward proposal are automatically copied into the Prime.
- The subaward's total costs (direct + indirect) for each of the budget periods are added into Item F.5 (Subawards/Consortium/Contractual Costs) in the R&R budget.
- The subaward Indirect Cost is added to the Direct Cost to obtain the Total Cost for each budget period.
- The prime's Indirect Costs on the subaward will be added to the Indirect Base for one of the named rates that you specify. This appears on page 3 of the Detailed Budget in an extra field called Allocated IDC Base designed for this purpose.
Note that you can use this Allocated IDC Base field even if you do not use the Subaward Budget page.
Subaward Key Persons and Performance Sites
All Key Persons and Performance Sites on a subaward proposal that is linked to a prime proposal are automatically copied into the Prime, but you can choose to exclude them by unchecking the Include in Prime checkbox(es) in the upper right of the subaward's Key Persons and Performance Sites forms. To add them back, return to the subaward and check the box again.
Permissions for Linked Subawards
Permissions for linked subawards are governed by the prime. Since the subaward cannot be directly edited without opening the Prime, everyone who had write access on the subaward will no longer have that permission, and those with write access on the prime will be able to open and edit the subaward.
Validation Type
Linked subawards have the same validation type as their linked prime proposal.