In order for the schedule to generate, the rooms should be set up with all the needed information. If some information is missing, the system will prompt you on clicking Regenerate Schedule button with an error message. In order to resolve the problem, go to Setup, and add the missing information.
Possible missing information:
- Missing rack census
- Missing metric
- Missing recurrence
- Missing square footage
- Missing facility or area staff flagged for scheduling
- Staff work shift is not setup
Missing rack census
Missing rack census error may appear if room census is tracked by racks (Setup->Rooms-> Room info) but there are no racks added to this room.
How to resolve: go to Setup->Schedule Setup-> Rooms-> Racks and add racks with current cage counts.
Missing metric
The missing metric error may appear if there is an activity with Duration type = metric, but no metric exists for this activity.
How to resolve: the metric for the corresponding activity must be added in Setup-> Dictionaries-> Activities.
Missing recurrence
‘Recurrence is not setup’ message appears if there are activities added to the room, but recurrence is not defined.
How to resolve: go to Setup->Schedule Setup-> Rooms-> Room Activities, select the record that missing recurrence and click Open Recurrence button.
Missing square footage
Missing square footage error occurs if:
- There is an activity in the room with activity type = Room and duration type = metric that is using square footage as Per, but the square footage of the room is not setup.
- There is an activity in the room with activity type = Room and duration type = activity default that is using square footage as Per, but the square footage of the room is not setup.
How to resolve: go to Setup->Schedule Setup-> Rooms-> Room Info and enter square footage.
Staff work shift is not setup
Staff work shift is not setup message appears if there is staff assigned to facility, area, or room but it has no work shift defined.
How to resolve: go to Setup-> Staff-> Work Shifts and add work shifts.