Using the Submit tab, the IACUC Coordinator can submit the protocol to the IACUC Members, the PI, the Vet(s) or the IACUC Chair for review.
The protocol can be submitted back to the PI only if and when there are pages marked for review.
When submitting to the Members, the list of members will display in the Member List grid. The list of members displayed are those defined in the IACUC Members list from the IACUC dictionary. These members must have the IMBR role to access IACUC.
The Primary and Secondary selections are optional. If Primary and Secondary members are selected, their names will display in the Review alerts. Additionally, the Primary reviewer has the ability of writing a Synopsis when reviewing the protocol.
The Workflow Description options are Designated Review and Member(s) Review. When a Designated Review Workflow is selected and a Primary Reviewer is also selected, the protocol is automatically returned to the IACUC office when the primary reviewer has reviewed and the due date has arrived, regardless if any other reviewers have submitted their review.
When submitting a protocol for a Vet review, select Submit to Vet and choose the Vet you want to send the protocol to. The list of Vets available in the dropdown will be those listed in the IACUC Members dictionary which have a VET role to access IACUC.
The protocol will display on the Vet’s Protocols in Review alert or Continuations in Review, depending on the type of submission.
Select the Chairperson you wish to submit the protocol to. The list of chairpersons available in the dropdown need to be defined in the IACUC Members list and also need to have the ICHAIR role to access IACUC.
The protocol will display on the Chairperson’s Protocols in Review alert or Continuations in Review, depending on the type of submission.