Committee Review Meetings are documented in Cayuse IACUC and can be accessed by clicking on the menu next to Animal Oversight, and clicking Committee Meeting.
Please note: The Meeting Date and the Meeting Location fields are populated from the Agenda setup and can only be modified from the setup.. The list of Committee Members is populated by the list of Committee Members in setup, and these members must have the IMBR role. Learn more here.
Reviewing Protocols
All protocols sent to the meeting can be reviewed in the meeting by clicking on a protocol tab and clicking on the protocol number within the list.
The review of the protocol works in the same way as a review outside of the meeting. Learn more about reviewing here.
Reconciling Protocols
All protocols must be reconciled prior to closing a meeting. To reconcile a protocol:
- Click on the protocol within the list to highlight it.
- Click Edit.
- Edit the record, and click Save.
Edit Record
- Status:
- Approved: approves the protocol.
- Deferred: defers to the next meeting.
- Pending: protocol is sent back to the IACUC workflow.
- Expired: expires protocol (only applies to De Novos).
- Withdrawn: withdraws protocol (only applies to Continuing Reviews).
- Minutes: enter the meeting records here.
- Votes: records the number of meeting member votes for Yes, No, and Other.
Closing the Meeting
Click Close Meeting at the bottom of any tab.
If agenda records are reconciled, the meeting will close and the next scheduled meeting will become the active meeting.