The Salary tab defines the total salary for the employee and the distribution of that salary.
Inputting Salary Information
- Search and find the employee record.
- Click on the Salary tab.
Salary Field Descriptions
- Corporation: the corporation code for the salary entry.
- #: distinguishes between multiple total salary entries entered for the same corporation code on the same date. The value in this field is usually ‘1’.
- Start Date: the date the salary begins.
- End Date: the date the salary ends.
- Act. Salary: total salary actually paid to the employee. For salaried employees, this must be an annual amount. The Actual Salary value is used in all salary computations during report generation and salary / benefit projections.
- App. Salary: designed for use at universities that have incentive pay plans.
- Department: the employee’s department of work.
- Division: The division to which the employee belongs.
- HRS: the number of hours the employee works per week.
- PP (Pay Period): denotes a monthly or biweekly pay period.
- PT (Pay Type): distinguishes between salary or hourly pay types.
- BPC (Benefit Package Code): denotes the fringe benefit package code
- Earning:
- Comment:
- Step:
- How Changed: an audit trail field automatically populated by software. M=Manual, I=Import, P=Projected.
- Who Changed: an audit trail field automatically populated by software. Identifies the user name that last changed the record.
- When Changed: an audit trail field automatically populated by software. Identifies the date that the record was last changed.
- Start Date: when the salary source became effective.
- End Date: when the salary source ends. All current salary sources have a blank end date. If the payment is a one-time payment, such as a bonus or incentive payment, the end date is the same as the start date, and the pay type is 1 for a one-time payment.
- Acct: the account number from which the salary is being paid.
- CostCenter:the cost center from which the employee is being paid.
- Object Set: the personnel object set code.
- Object Code: the personnel object code.
- C/S: the account number in which the salary is being cost shared.
- Rate: the annual salary rate for the account.
- Position: the state position (line item) number for the employee.
- Date Src Ends: the date when the source/account ends.
- Monthly/BiWeekly Rate: the monthly or biweekly rate paid by the account on the grid row.
- FTE: the percentage of salary paid by the account on the grid row.
- Form Number:the number assigned to the personnel form from which the change was initiated and recorded.
- Start Status:
- End Status:
- Project Role:
- How Changed: an audit trail field automatically populated by software. M=Manual, I=Import, P=Projected.
- Who Changed: an audit trail field automatically populated by software. Identifies the user name that last changed the record.
- When Changed: an audit trail field automatically populated by software. Identifies the date that the record was last changed.
- Date Verified: