Within the Personnel Module, you are able to track non-financial data for each employee. This information includes demographic, office address, home address, rank, certification, education, WPR, leave, dist list, space, and committee.
Inputting Non-Financial Data
Search for and locate the employee within the Personnel Module. Once on their screen, click on the tabs to begin filling in their information. A ... indicates that the field has a drop-down menu.
Demographic Fields
- Alternative ID
- Nick Name: the employee's nick name.
- Birth Date: the employee's birth date.
- Date Deceased: employee date of death, if applicable.
- Race: the employee's race.
- Handicapped: any disability the employee may have, if applicable.
- Veteran: employee veteran status, if applicable.
- Degree: employee academic degree.
- Parking Permit: employee parking permit information.
- Salutation: the salutation used for the employee.
- Exclude from NIH AP Report
- Employee Group: employee group affiliation. The department or the university could define this group.
- Employee Code: employee code assignment. The department or the university could define this group.
- Visa Type: the type of Visa belonging to the employee.
- Visa Expiration Date: the expiration date of the employee’s Visa.
- Marital Status: the employee marital status.
- Citizenship: the employee’s country of citizenship.
- I-9 Status
- I-9 Exp. Date
- Date of Residence: the date of residence for Non-US citizens.
- UA 1-4
- ReqLoc
- UD 2
- Def Cost Center
- Commons ID
- Last 4 Digits SSNO: Last four digits of the employee's social security number.
- PAD 1-5
- Comments
- Gender: male and female options are available
- Resident: Defines if the employee is a resident of the U.S.
Office Address Fields
- Address 1-4: The four lines of the employee's office address, such as department, building name and number, room number, and campus mailbox number.
- City: the city in which the office is located.
- State: the state in which the office is located.
- Zip: the zip code for the office.
- Phone: the office phone number.
- Beeper; the employee's pager number.
- Fax: the employee’s fax number.
- Cell Phone: the employee's cell phone number.
- Ext: the employee's phone extension.
- Beeper Ext: the employee's pager extension.
- Email: employee's office email.
- Home Page: the employee's website.
- Preferred Address: defines whether the employee’s office or home address is to be used on mailing labels and directories.
Home Address Fields
- Address 1-4: the four lines of the employee’s home address, such as number and street name, and apartment number.
- City: the city in which the employee’s home is located.
- State: the state in which the employee’s home is located.
- Zip: the Zip Code for the employee’s home.
- Emergency Contact Phone: emergency phone number information.
- Emergency Contact Name: emergency contact information.
- Emergency Contact Relation: the relationship between the employee and the emergency contact.
- Spouse's Last Name
- Spouse's First Name
- Phone: spouse's phone number.
Certification Fields
- Start Date: the start date of the certification listed.
- End Date: the end date or expiration date of the listed certification.
- Type:the code for the type of certification.
- Sub-Specialty: any sub-specialties associated with the certification type.
- Number: the certification number.
Education Fields
- Start Date: the date the education was started.
- End Date: the date the education was completed.
- Degree: the employee's degree.
- Major: the employee's major.
- School: the school the employee attended.
- City where the education was conducted.
- State where the education was conducted.
- County where the education was conducted.
Work Performance Review (WPR) Fields
- Scheduled Date: the date the review was originally scheduled
- Review Type: the type of review performed: Annual, Semi-Annual, Probationary, etc.
- Perform Date: the date the review was performed.
- Review Result: the result of the review (user-defined).
- Reviewer: the person who conducted the review.
- Comment: enter a comment concerning the review.
Leave Fields
- Start Date: the date in which the leave of absence begins.
- End Date: the last date of absence for the employee.
- Type: the type of absence for the employee, to be defined by the user.
- Sub Type: a subtype for the absence (user-defined).
- Hours: the number of hours in which the employee was absent.
- Comments: any comments in relation to the absence.
- Forms:
- Reports:
Effort Fields
- Start Date: the date in which the effort percentage begins.
- End Date: the date in which the effort percentage changes or ends.
- Area: the area of effort, i.e. Research, Clinical, Teaching, Administration, etc.
- FTE: the FTE allotted to the area of effort.
Committee Fields
- Start Date
- End Date
- Committee Code
- Committee Name
- Role
- Comment