There are four scenarios where a submission may get stuck in routing. If a proposal is stuck and can't progress through the routing chain, it generally means that units are missing from the routing chain, units needs to be taken off the routing chain, units need to be reordered, or an IPF Approver needs to be added into Cayuse SP.
Please note:
- If the proposal has already been submitted, only admins and the IPF Approver from the Award Admin unit can adjust the routing chain.
- Adjusting the routing chain will not trigger any new automated emails to be sent unless the status of the entire proposal is changed back to Unsubmitted or Reopened, and then submitted again for routing.
Adding and Reordering Units
Adding and reordering units can be done from within the Approving Units tab within the proposal. Learn more about adding and reordering units here.
Removing a Unit
Removing a unit can also be done from within the Approving Units tab.
A unit can only be removed if it is marked as an Other Approving Role. Otherwise, a unit can only be removed if its affiliated role on the proposal is removed.
Adding an IPF Approver
If a unit does not have an IPF approver, then a proposal may get stuck in routing because there is no one within the unit to approve the proposal.
This issue can be solved by assigning an IPF Approver through Research Contacts. Learn how to do this here.