Message Templates allow Analysts and admins to configure the text of system messages, notifications, and emails.
Workflow Messages are triggered by user actions, and are sent as an email to designated individuals. The recipients, subject, and message body can be edited.
Workflow Message Types (System Defaults)
- Analyst post review required: Sent to an Analyst when the reviewer(s) have finished reviewing a submission.
- Analyst pre-review required: Sent to an Analyst when a submission is initially assigned to them to review before being assigned a review type.
- Analyst review required: Sent to the IRB Office when a submission has been certified by the Lead PI of a research team, and is ready for the initial Analyst review.
- Board/Review Type changed for expedited/exempt submission: Sent to reviewers assigned to an exempt or expedited review of a submission when the Analyst changes the review type or assigns the submission to a different review board.
- Board/Review Type changed for full board submission: Sent to the reviewers assigned to do a full board review of a submission when the Analyst changes the review type or assigns the submission to a different review board.
- Certification required: Sent to all members of the research team who are required to certify a submission once the submission has been completed.
- Exempt review required: Sent to the assigned reviewers when an exempt submission has been assigned to them for review.
- Expedited review by primary reviewer required: Sent to the assigned reviewers when a submission has been assigned to them for expedited review.
- Expedited review required: Sent to the assigned reviewers when a submission has been assigned to them for expedited review, and there is no designated primary reviewer.
- Full board review required: Sent to the assigned reviewers when a submission has been assigned to them for full board review. Notifies the reviewers who the designated primary and secondary reviewers are, as well as any additional reviewers.
- Full Expedited review required: Sent to the assigned reviewers when a submission has been assigned to them for an expedited full board review. Notifies the reviewers who the assigned full expedited reviewer is, as well as any additional reviewers.
- IRB Office returned submission to research team: Sent to the PI, PC, and Co-PI when the IRB Office has returned a submission to them for changes.
- Org Approver returned submission to research team: Sent to the PI, PC, and Co-PI when a designated Organizational Approver has returned a submission to them for changes.
- Organization approval required: Sent to the designated Organizational Approver(s) when a submission requires organizational approval.
- Reviewers changed for expedited/exempt submission: Sent to notify the previously-selected reviewers that they should stop reviewing a submission that was assigned to them because it has been reassigned to different reviewers.
- Reviewers changed for full board submission: Sent to notify the previously-designated full board reviewers that they should stop reviewing a submission that was assigned to them because it has been reassigned to different reviewers
- Study closure needs review: Sent to the Analyst to notify them when a closure submission has been assigned to them for review.
- Study withdrawal needs review: Sent to the Analyst to notify them when a withdrawal submission has been assigned to them for review.
- Submission received by IRB Office: Sent to the PI, PC, and Co-PI to notify them that their submission has been received by the IRB Office and will be reviewed.