As a PI, you can order animals, import animals, set up a schedule for a standing order, or document a wildlife capture using the Animal Procurement module.
The workflow is the same for each of these actions:
- Click on the protocol for ordering animals, and then click the button for the action you wish to complete: Order Animals, Import Animals, Standing Order, and Capture Wildlife.
- Fill out the form. Some questions may be required, or configured by your institution.
- At the grid, you will see a line item already listed. Click on the line item, and then click Edit.
- Edit the details of the animal you wish to order. Items listed in the drop-down menus are configured by your institution. Note: the Primary Contact field will populate based on individuals involved in the protocol workflow. When you are finished, click Save.
- You can add another animal, such as a different strain if required by your protocol, by clicking Add and completing the same process.
- When you are finished, click Submit.
Your order request will now appear beneath one of the new orders alerts.
When a new standing order or order is approved, it will appear beneath the confirmed orders alerts.
Once your shipment is received, you will see it beneath the Received (Last 7 Days).
You can view your complete order history by using the Register.
Order Animals
If you are ordering animals from a commercial vendor, you will need to choose the vendor from the approved list.
Importing Animals
If you are importing animals from another institution, you will need to fill out the Shipping Institution, the Shipping Coordinator details, and shipment details, such as a tracking number and address.
Standing Order
If you are creating a standard order, you will need to include the vendor name, delivery date, and when the delivery first occurs. Upon clicking Recurrence, you can establish your ordering pattern for future deliveries.