These are the release notes for SP 4.0, updated August 24, 2022.
Release Summary
Here's a quick overview of the updates in this release:
- Added new research team option for Mentor
- AU/NZ Classification Codes released in July 2022 have a few updates.
- Fixed a few small bugs that were causing inconveniences.
Release Dates by Environment:
- Train - SG: 8/25/22
- Train - AU: 8/25/22
- Train - CA: 8/25/22
- User Acceptance Testing - US: 8/25/22
- Production - AU: 9/8/22
- Production - SG: 9/8/22
- Production - US: 9/8/22
- Production - CA: 9/8/22
Detailed Release Notes
AU/NZ Classification Codes
The following updates have been made in relation to the AU/NZ Classification Codes released July 2022.
Form Builder
- We’ve added form object validations on the Simplified Form Builder so that it offers the same capabilities and prevents invalid data entry in the same way as the Advanced Form Builder.
Form Object Behavior
- New validations have been added on the percentage fields to ensure that all fields on the form object are populated with valid data.
- New validations have been added to ensure duplicate AU/NZ codes were not added to a single form object.
- New updates have been added to make the new AU/NZ code form object accessible.
AU/NZ Code Data Records Display
- SP Proposal/Award Dashboards
- AU/NZ object fields have been added as available options to be displayed in the Award and Proposal dashboards. We’ve also added the ability to search for records based on these objects from the dashboard.
- CSV/Reporting Updates
- Updates have been made to improve the ability to display the AU/NZ code data within the downloaded CSV file or in-app reports, including the following use case:
When a single record has multiple values for a single AU/NZ code type, each different code type will be displayed on a different line within the CSV or Report and all other column values will be repeated on each line.
- Each AU/NZ code type has multiple columns associated with a single form object within the Dashboard, CSV, and in-app report.
FOR Columns (where [FOR] is the form object short label defined in the form builder):
- [FOR] Division
- [FOR] Division Description
- [FOR] Group
- [FOR] Group Description
- [FOR] Field
- [FOR] Field Description
- [FOR] Code %
SEO Columns (where [SEO] is the form object short label defined in the form builder):
- [SEO] Division
- [SEO] Division Description
- [SEO] Group
- [SEO] Group Description
- [SEO] Objective
- [SEO] Objective Description
- [SEO] Code %
TOA Columns (where [TOA] is the form object short label defined in the form builder):
- [TOA] Code
- [TOA] Description
- [TOA] Code %
HERDC Columns (where [HERDC] is the form object short label defined in the form builder):
- HERDC] Category
- [HERDC] Category Description
- [HERDC] Sub Category
- [HERDC] Sub Category Description
- [HERDC] Code %
API/SP Data Loader Support
- We now have support for adding AU/NZ code values on records via the API and the SP Data Loader.
General New and Enhanced
- The new role of "Mentor" has been added to the list of research team roles on the Research Team object.
General Fixes
- We have fixed an issue in the code that was causing Outside Interest disclosure information not to be displayed on an SP record.
- A scroll bar has been added to the Confirm Certification modal so that all content can be viewed.
- An issue that was causing tooltips not to be properly saved and displayed for form objects has been fixed.
- Performance improvements have been made to help properly create downloaded CSV files and in-app reports containing large amounts of records and selected fields.