A patent is an authorization or license granting a right or title for a set period, especially a sole right to include/exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention. You are only able to create a patent manually by accessing a submitted technology record within the system.
Accessing Patent Records
From the Patents tab, you can view a list of all of your patent records. Click on a Reference Number to view details for that record.
Patent Record Overview
- Patent Record Summary: Summary of record related information.
- Edit Button: Click to edit some summary information, such as Title. Not all summary information can be edited.
- Tab Sections: When a record is created, information is added to several sections. Click on a tab section to view or edit specific details related to the record. Additional tab sections are located by scrolling down on the page.
- Tab Subsections: Each tab section contains subsections of information that can be added, edited, deleted, or exported.
- Patent Reference Number: The system generated reference number that can be edited
- Total Expenses: The sum of expenses related to the patent record
- Technology Primary Manager: The associate currently assigned to the patent record
- Technology Primary Inventor: The Inventor listed as primary on the associated technology record