Role Managers can assign functional roles and data access roles to research administrators in their department. Individuals assigned functional roles can perform a particular function on behalf of their department, such as approving a proposal. Individuals assigned data access roles are authorized to view departmental data, but not to perform actions on the department's behalf.
Functional Roles
Functional roles allow assigned individuals the capability to perform a particular function relating to specific research activities. Below are definitions of the Functional roles in Research Contacts.
IPF Approver
An IPF Approver is an individual designated with signing authority to review and approve proposals on behalf of his or her department. Although all IPF Approvers for a given department receive an email notifying them when a proposal requires review, only one IPF Approver is required to approve the proposal to fulfill the departmental approval requirement. Once an IPF Approver has reviewed the proposal and is satisfied with all aspects of it, he or she may electronically approve or reject the proposal. There is an opportunity as part of the approval process to mention any concerns or questions in a "note" attached to the proposal, which may be viewed by others reviewing the proposal.
IPF Approvers access proposals for review from the Unit Approval Inbox in Cayuse SP.
Role Manager
A Role Manager is an individual designated by the Dean or Department Head to add and remove roles for departmental personnel within Research Contacts. Initially, a system administrator must assign the Role Manager, but thereafter the Role Manager has the ability to add and remove roles at any time on his or her department's behalf. The Role Manager maintains his or her department's Research Contacts listing, including updating it as department personnel or job responsibilities change.
It is up to each department to make the determination as to how many Role Managers it should have; for backup purposes, we recommend at least two.
Research Account Manager
A Research Account Manager is an individual designated as the departmental contact person to receive research-related correspondence via email for dissemination to appropriate departmental personnel. The Research Account Manager role was originally established to facilitate electronic distribution of financial information, such as quarterly reports, by the Research Office to campus departments.
To streamline dissemination of information and avoid duplication of effort, we recommend that each department assign only one Research Account Manager. For backup purposes, the departmental Role Manager has the flexibility to temporarily remove the primary Research Account Manager role and assign it to a different person, e.g., if the primary Research Account Manager will be out of the office on vacation. The Role Manager may then remove the temporary Research Account Manager and reassign the primary once he or she returns.
However, if your business process is more compatible with assigning multiple Research Account Managers, there is no technical obstacle preventing this. Keep in mind that the order the account managers are assigned in is the order they will appear in account emails sent by Cayuse SP, if you are using this information in emails.
Pre-Award Spending Approver
A Pre-Award Spending Approver is an individual designated with signing authority to review and approve Pre-Award Spending Requests. Pre Award Spending Requests for a proposal can be prepared and submitted electronically in Cayuse SP. Once submitted, all departmental Pre Award Spending Approvers receive an email notifying them there is a Pre-Award Spending Request requiring review, which they can access through their Pre-Award Spending Inbox. Only one approver needs to approve the request in order to fulfill the departmental approval requirement. All Pre-Award Spending Requests must be authorized by Pre-Award Spending Approvers at both the department level and the school level.
Data Access Roles
Data Access roles allow assigned individuals access to particular information. Below are definitions of the Data Access roles in Research Contacts.
Award Data Access
View departmental award data contained in Cayuse SP through the Awards in My Unit dashboard.
Proposal Data Access
View proposals in a given Admin Award Department, as well as access those proposals where that department is named, through the Proposals in My Unit dashboard. The user can perform the following tasks: view the proposal, its IPF, and associated attachments; copy the proposal; and prepare a Pre-Award Spending Request for the proposal.