All setups should be completed by the Animal Buyer prior to frequent system use. You can begin setup by clicking on the menu next to Animal Procurement, and then clicking on Setup Vendor, Setup Requisition Lists, Setup Species, or Setup Facilities and Rooms.
Beneath Table of Contents, click on the section you wish to set up.
Add a new item by clicking Add.
Fill in the provided fields and click Save.
To edit or delete an item, highlight the item by clicking on it, and then click Edit or Delete.
Dual Table Sections
With Dual Table sections, the top section works similarly to the other categories. You can Add profiles by clicking Add, filling out the required fields, and clicking Save. You can also edit or delete a vendor by clicking on the item, and clicking Edit or Delete.
Once an item is clicked on and highlighted, the bottom grid will show additional tabs for that specific item. You can then toggle through the tabs and add this information accordingly.