These are the release notes for Cayuse Vivarium Operations and Vet Care, updated October, 2020.
- Census Coordinators can now delete cage card requests to keep the dashboard clutter free.
Requesting Customer: Saint Louis University - Application branding has been updated to reflect the new Cayuse look and feel, including the product name change from Animal Inventory, Animal Procurement, Services, and Billing to Vivarium Operations.
- Barcode font has been updated to the industry standard Code 128.
- Cards can now be transferred from one protocol to another without changing the card numbers. This will mostly be used by customers who have protocol numbers changed during De Novo or 3rd-Year renewal. Users can optionally re-print the cards using the new protocol number.
- Users can now include breeding cards when printing cards by room.
- Cages which weren't activated were displaying when Active During Current Accounting Period option was selected. This is no longer happening.
Reporting Customer: Dartmouth College