These are the release notes for Cayuse Sponsored Projects, updated October 5th, 2020.
- When a user is removed from the Research Team on a proposal, they will no longer have access to the proposal. New users to the research team will be granted immediate access to the proposal upon being added.
- When an Ad Hoc team member is added or removed from a team, they will gain or lose access to the proposals the team has access to accordingly.
- If Ad Hoc or Unit Review rules on the proposal form change, the change of who has/needs access will also reflect on all proposals in the In Development stage.
- On Ad Hoc team member dashboard, proposals and tasks are now filtered depending on the access of the user.
- When a proposal is in development, the Route for Review will be grayed out until all sections are completed.
- The timestamp in Sponsored Projects is now based on the user's browser locale.
- Unit-based reviewers now only see the proposals they are required to review on their proposals list.
- The Project Detail page has been redesigned to show a detailed list of proposals connected to the project.
- On the Proposal Dashboard, users can now search their proposal list using criteria from any answer on their form.
- Users can now select which fields they want to download via CSV from their proposals list.