The look and feel of the Human Ethics Document Compare tool has been enhanced! Click here to learn more about the specific changes.
When you are reviewing a submission in Human Ethics, you can compare different versions of the submission. This includes comparing different submission questions, as well as comparing versions of documents attached to the submission.
Comparing Submission Versions
When reviewing a submission, click on the Compare button in the top right-hand corner.
You will see the previous submission and the current submission side by side. Number of differences will be listed as a number next to NEXT DIFF. Click on the arrows to toggle between differences.
Differences will be highlighted blue for easy visibility.
Comparing Submission Text
Text that was added between submissions will be underlined green. Text that was deleted or replaced between submission will have a red triangle next to it.
Comparing Submission Attachments
If an attachment has been revised or replaced, you will see a blue Compare button next to the attachment listing. Click Compare to see the two different versions of the attachment.
Like with submission text, red on the previous version means a section has been deleted or replaced. Green on the current version means the text was added.