These are the release notes for the Cayuse IRB update released November 6th, 2019.
- IRB Analysts and Admins can now search by Primary Reviewer to assess the capacity of Primary Reviewers and assign submissions accordingly.
Requesting Customers: Cal Poly Pomona, California State University Bakersfield, Ferris State University, Fort Lewis College, Merrimack College, Villanova University - IRB Analysts can now certify a submission on behalf of the Research Team by clicking Administratively Certify within Submission Details.
Requesting Customers: Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, Cal Poly Pomona, CSU San Bernardino, Cleveland State University, Eastern Michigan University, Ferris State University, Hebrew SeniorLife, Idaho State University, Lamar University, Montclair State University, New York University - Washington Square, Sam Houston State University, Texas Tech University - Lubbock, University of Memphis, University of San Diego, Villanova University - The notification bell now has a mute setting. When muted, the badge will no longer appear when the user has a new notification.
- There was an issue where a user would receive an error in Cayuse SP when attempting to view the Compliance section in a proposal if they didn't have access to the linked IRB record. The issue has been resolved.
Reporting Customers: Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, Eastern Michigan University, Illinois State, New York University - Washington Square, Rice University, University of Memphis - Admin settings were not visible beneath More in the IRB menu. Admins can now see and click on Admin to access admin settings.
Reporting Customer: Arkansas State University, Purdue University - Partially-hidden banner notifications have been shifted down to display in full beneath the new IRB header.
Reporting Customer: Montclair University - If a submission is approved and the decision type is later changed, the submission will no longer store the expiration date that was selected when the submission was approved.
- When an Admin Check-in Date was selected for a Modification, N/A was displayed as the Admin Check-in Date on the Study Details page. The Admin Check-In Date now displays correctly.