For the Cayuse SP 3.9 release, we focused on adding more flexibility and a more streamlined experience. We added proposal and award flags so that our users can have more custom reporting options. Users now have the option to edit and delete notes, to configure 424 proposals so that they can be edited after routing (if setting is enabled), and to change the owner of a proposal. We've also simplified navigation by adding the Cayuse One Look header and modernized our task management features. Workflow is now called Events, and it has a cleaner look with enhanced search capabilities. This increased flexibility and smoother user experience ultimately gives users more control and efficiency in how they manage their information.
These are the release notes for the Cayuse SP 3.9 update.
- The SP header will begin to reflect the new design of the Cayuse suite.
- Loading SP proposals when they are paired with 424 proposals now takes significantly less time.
- SP Workflow has been renamed to SP Events. Icons and colors have been updated, and the header now shows up on all pages. Navigation to SP Events is now included in the header navigation for users with access to Events.
- To comply with modern security principles and ensure the receipt of notifications, reminder emails are no longer sent from the end-user, but from
- To comply with modern security principles and ensure the receipt of notifications, correspondence emails are no longer sent from the end-user, but from
- Within email templates, the From: and Fail To: fields are now read-only and not configurable. This is to comply with modern security principles.
- Event Date and Completed Date will now continue to show the selected date even after daylight savings time changes.
- Event Create Dates are now properly displayed in local time regardless of standard time or daylight savings time.
- Event Due Dates no longer display as a day off after the Daylight Savings Time change.
Reporting Customer: UC Davis - Searching for individuals when granting Events access will now take only a couple of seconds. Searching is performed via type-ahead search instead of a finder.
- There was an issue where users were able to see Events that were not assigned to them when searching My Inbox in Events. Now, users can only see Events are assigned to them in their inbox.
Reporting Customers: Illinois State, UC Davis - When searching for events using a date range, the results now correctly include the records that match the beginning and end dates.
Reporting Customer: Illinois State - When adding an event from an existing workflow, the subtype drop-down list was sometimes duplicated. This no longer occurs.
Reporting Customer: UC Davis - When clicking on an Event in the Event Inbox, the event now opens in the same window.
Projects, Proposals, Awards, and Subcontracts
- Proposals and awards can now be flagged with keywords. Any user who can edit the proposal or award administration screens can filter by flags. Flags will be available in proposal and award resources within data connect, and Exported CSVs will now contain a separate flag column.
- The ability for Cayuse 424 proposals to be edited during routing can now be configured for your application. Contact for more information.
- On the Proposal Admin screen, the PID no longer shows up next to the Authorizing Person(s).
Reporting Customer: Oregon State University, University of Oklahoma - On the Proposal Administration screen, changing the proposal status to Approved was deleting any previous approvals. All approvals are now retained within Status History.
Reporting Customer: University of Tennessee - When copying a proposal, the action is recorded beneath the Status History of the new proposal.
Reporting Customer: University of Tennessee - When a proposal is submitted for routing, both proposal submission and the transition of the proposal to Departmental Approval in Process are documented in the Status History.
- The FDP subaward templates have been updated for 2019.
- The proposal owner is now visible on the Proposal General IPF page.
- Administrators can now change the proposal owner from the Proposal Administration screen.
- When copying a proposal, the administrative fields such as Contract Specialist, Sponsor-Aligned Proposal Number, Legacy Proposal ID, and Proposal On Hold are no longer copied over.
Requesting Customers: UC Davis, Oregon State University, University of Tennessee - For some customers, the Date Submitted to Sponsor field on the General tab of the Proposal Administration screen was not showing the correct date. This has been resolved.
Reporting Customers: Ball State University, Illinois State, Texas Tech University, University of North Texas - When creating or editing an existing subcontract record, only active subcontract statuses are selectable.
Reporting Customer: University of Memphis - Compliance information involving animal and human subjects is now clearly marked on the Proposal Administration screen, within the Compliance tab.
Requesting Customer: Lurie Children's - Existing notes connected to proposals, projects, accounts, temp accounts, awards, and subcontracts can now be edited and deleted by administrators.
- Projects with notes may now be deleted.
Reporting Customers: Notre Dame, Thomas Jefferson University, UC Davis, University of North Texas
Project Dashboard
- When searching for accounts on the Project Dashboard, some search results were missing from the list. All search results now display correctly.
Reporting Customers: Thomas Jefferson University, University of Memphis - Proposal Compliance notes can now be viewed from the Proposal Admin Compliance tab.
Requesting Customer: UC Davis - When a project, proposal, award, or subcontract was deleted, the links between the objects and their events along with the events themselves were deleted. Now, the events are preserved and only the links to the deleted records are removed.
Reporting Customer: Whitehead Institute - Users with the Sponsored Projects Administrator role for more than one campus can now view Pre-Award Spending requests for all of their campuses.
Reporting Customer: University of Tennessee - Entering a Sponsor Award number greater than 50 characters on the Award Administration screen no longer creates an error.
Reporting Customer: New York University
Data Connect
- The ability to extract proposal and award flags has been added to Data Connect.
- Last Updated By and Last Updated Date have been added as fields to Notes Resources.
- Within the Proposal Budget, Total Internal and Third Party Cost Sharing fields now display a 0 when there is no cost sharing instead of being empty.
Reporting Customer: University of Tennessee - Within the Proposal resource, Proposal Owner and Created By are now two separate fields.
- The Created On date within the Award Research Team Effort resource now includes a timestamp.
- Attachment records that references previously deleted proposals, awards, projects or subcontracts no longer appear in SP Data Connect attachment resources.
Reporting Customer: UC Davis - When a proposal, award, project, subcontract, account, or temp account was deleted, the notes of the object were still appearing in the notes resources in SP Data Connect. All notes of deleted objects are now also deleted, and orphaned notes have been removed.
Reporting Customer: UC Davis - When a proposal, award, project, subcontract, account, or temp account is deleted, all attachments connected to the object will now also be deleted. Attachments for previously deleted records will no longer appear in SP Data Connect.
Reporting Customer: UC Davis - When creating a proposal, conditional responses are no longer retained when the answer to the parent question is changed. Attachments for previously deleted records will no longer appear in SP Data Connect.
Reporting Customer: UC Davis
- When searching for units, there was an issue with units rendering correctly when there were many units within the database. The search results now load correctly.
Reporting Customers: Thomas Jefferson University, UC Davis, University of Memphis