When to Use the Budget Transfer Procedure
You will use the Budget Transfer procedure when a Cost Center budget is linked to a specific account and it is important to track the original budget of the Cost Center.
This process moves the unused Account/Cost Center budgets into the new budget period for the account. The procedure requires that:
- the Account to have a Year End type of N, and
- the Cost Center have a Year End type of C.
The remaining balance in the account for Cost Centers that do not have a Year End type of C is placed in a default Cost Center defined for the account. You will perform this procedure on the Account just before it is archived.
Effects of the Budget Transfer
- A budget adjustment entry equal to –1*(the Account/Cost Center balance) and dated the account budget period end date is created for all Cost Centers with a year end type of C that were used by the account. The reference number will be the Account code “-“ the Cost Center code. Reference 2 will be “BX” plus the account budget period end date.
- A budget adjustment entry equal to the Account/Cost Center balance and dated the day after the account budget period end date is created for all Cost Centers with a year end type of C that were used by the account. The reference number will be the Account code “-“ the Cost Center code. Reference 2 will be “BX” plus the account budget period end date.
- A budget adjustment entry equal to –1*(the Account/Cost Center balance) and dated the account budget period end date is created with a user-defined default, Cost Center for all other Cost Centers that were used by the account. The reference number will be the Account code “-“ the Cost Center code. Reference 2 will be “BX” plus the account budget period end date.
- A budget adjustment entry equal to the Account/Cost Center balance and dated the day after the account budget period end date is created with a user-defined, default Cost Center for all other Cost Centers that were used by the account. The reference number will be the Account code “-“ the Cost Center code. Reference 2 will be “BX” plus the account budget period end date.
How to Run the Budget Transfer Procedure
- Select from the Accounting Module main menu: Special Procedures/Year End Close/Budget Transfer.
The Budget Transfer screen appears.
- Click the appropriate Account code from the drop-down menu in the Account field. The Year End Type, Default Cost Center, and Budget End Date will fill in automatically (from the values on the Account Setup form).
- Click the appropriate Object Code to be used in the new transactions from the drop-down menu.
- If the remaining balance is to be transferred to a new account, select the code for the new account from the drop-down menu in the New Account field.
- Click the Start A grid showing the account/Cost Center balances to be transferred will display for your confirmation.
- Click the Finish Transfer button to complete the process.