Department Manager Software can be customized for your specific organizational structure. You will establish organization-specific codes during initial setup, and modify and maintain the codes as your organization evolves.
Organizational Codes are grouped essentially into two types:
- Corporation Codes, with corresponding Object Sets and Object Codes
- School and Department Codes
You can access the Codes menu options from within the Grants, Personnel, or Accounting modules, as appropriate for your needs. The Personnel Module Codes sub-menus are shown here, but the module menus are quite similar.
Code Definitions
Corporations Submenu
Corporations - This option is used to define Corporate codes at installations that manage accounts from different corporate entities, and at installations with check processing and general ledger software used by non-profits. For example, a medical school may have departments that manage both university and hospital accounts. Only corporation codes entered here can be used elsewhere in the system. This option allows users to group and report on a set of accounts for a given corporate entity (such as University vs. Hospital).
Object Sets - These sets comprise groups of object codes, also known as a chart of accounts. Multiple object sets permit you to use different charts of accounts within one database. For example, you might maintain accounts for a university and for an associated hospital, which would typically have different charts of accounts. This option allows you to define one object set for the university and one for the hospital.
Object Codes - This option allows you to define detailed object codes for expense categories, which are grouped by Object Sets (or charts of accounts). Multiple object sets permit the use of different charts of accounts within one database.
The typical installation may have a hundred or more object codes. For example, codes may identify salaries, fringe benefits, supplies, postage, travel, etc. If needed, you can change the term Object Code inside Department Manager to match local terminology.
School and Department Submenus
School Code - School codes define a college or school. Examples include the School of Medicine, Law School, or College of Arts and Sciences.
Department Code - Department Codes define departments within a school. Examples include Department of Computer Science in the College of Arts and Sciences, or the Department of Surgery in the School of Medicine.
Division Code - Division Codes define a sub-unit within a department. These are usually found in large departments such as the Department of Surgery within the School of Medicine. Examples of divisions in a Department of Surgery may include: General Surgery, Thoracic Surgery and Administration.
What's Next?
You are ready to begin setting up organizational codes for your module. You may wish to begin by setting up Corporation Codes.