Members assigned to a PI group will be able to create drafts for the PI to review and submit. When the PI group member clicks Submit from a protocol or amendment draft, the PI will receive an email notifying them a submission is ready for review.
Anyone with an IT role will be able to access the Site Management feature. Once a user has been added to Contact Management, they can be added to Site Management. Assigning roles to a user to Site Management enables their access to Cayuse.
Site Management can be accessed by adding ‘/adminauthentication.aspx’ to your institution's STAGING or PROD URL. The login page will look the same as your STAGING/PROD site.
- Navigate to the Cayuse Admin site and click on Site Management.
- Select your site in the grid to highlight. Click on the new tab with the site name. A list of users will be displayed. Use the magnifying glass tool to search for the user.
- Select the name of the PI and click the new tab that opens to the right. Click on the PI role. Click +Members from the actions.
- Click the + next to the name of the user(s) you wish to add to the group. The name will move from the right-hand column to the left-hand column. Use the – to delete users from the PI group. Click Save.
- Note: if you do not see the user(s) you are wanting to add, they may not have the Animal Oversight and Hazard Safety Researcher Staff Members role under Platform Admin. This will need to be added first, then their name will appear as an option to add.
- When the PI group member logs into the applications, they will be able to select the PI’s name from a dropdown menu to access their submission
- To remove the PI group member role from research staff who are in a PI’s group, select the name of the PI as in step 3. Click on the PI role. Click +Members from the actions. Click the member name or “Remove all” and save. This will remove PI member permissions from the user or remove all members from a PI Group.