These release notes were last updated October 24, 2022. Information on this page is subject to change.
Release Summary
Here's a quick overview of the updates in this release:
- Four new Unit-assignable roles are available.
- Project-level permissions have been enabled to allow for easy access to all records within an assigned project.
- We fixed issues related to Unit review rules, Route for Review button, and commas in form objects.
- Some general bug fixes have been addressed.
Release Dates by Environment:
Please note: The following two bug fixes are being addressed in the redeployment dates listed below:
- We fixed an issue that was causing the Route for Review button to stay enabled on a record when a required field's value was removed.
- An issue has been resolved that was causing SP in-app reports to incorrectly display records that the logged in user did not have access to.
- Train-SG:10/20/22, redeployment TBD
- Train-AU:10/20/22, redeployment 10/27/22
- Train-CA: 10/27/22
- User Acceptance Testing:10/20/22, redeployment 10/27/22
- Prod-SG:11/3/22
- Prod-AU:11/3/22
- Prod-CA: TBD
- Prod-US:11/3/22
Detailed Release Notes
New and Enhanced
Unit-Assignable Roles
Four more SP 4.0 roles have been made Unit-assignable, including:
- SP Proposal Administrator
- SP Award Administrator
- SP Proposal Viewer
- SP Award Viewer
Users who already have these roles will be migrated to have their role assigned at the institution root Unit with sub-Units included.
The Unit-assignable roles can be given to a user for a specific Unit, including sub-Units, allowing them to get access to records associated with the specified Unit hierarchy, instead of all records within the system (which can still be granted if the role is given at the institution root unit and sub-Units are included). A user with SP Proposal/Award Administrator roles can be given record specific access to a proposal/award that is outside of their Unit hierarchy if that user is listed as the Admin Assigned.
Please refer to the article, Understanding Access in SP 4.0, to learn more about the additional roles and the conditions for which each of the Unit-assignable roles can obtain access to a record.
Project-Level Permissions
Project-level permissions are now enabled, allowing anyone with access to at least one record in a specific project to be able to view all records contained within that project. This applies to the following roles:
- SP Award Reviewers
- SP Proposal Reviewers
- SP Award Viewers
- SP Proposal Viewers
- SP Award Administrators
- SP Proposal Administrators
- SP Users
Additionally, users will now only be able to see projects that they have access to in the Projects dashboard.
- An issue has been fixed that was causing unit review rules to be associated with the incorrect unit finder form object in forms where multiple units were available.
- Fixed an issue that was causing problems when commas were used in form object answers while copying data from an existing record to a new award.
- We fixed an issue that was causing the Route for Review button not to be enabled despite all form section icons having checkmarks.
- The SP record API responses have been updated so that decimal values are always returned in decimal format, instead of converting to scientific notation.
- We fixed an issue that was causing the AU/NZ code form field values to not save correctly.
- Users are no longer encountering access errors when loading InfoReady integration workflow records.