These are the release notes for Inventions, updated July 20, 2022.
Release Dates by Environment:
- User Acceptance Testing-US: 7/14/22
- Production-US: 7/21/22
- For Platform-enabled customers only: All passwords and email addresses on cayuse-hosted Inventions products must now be managed in Admin. As such, you will no longer have the option to generate new passwords from user detail pages.
- Default Inventions Disclosure Forms (IDFs) and website footers are now generic and no longer reference OSU.
- The Distribution % allocated to each technology-person has been added as a reporting field.
- We’re working on adding an in-app Resource Center (coming soon) that will be located in the bottom right corner of Inventions. Because of this, we have moved the scrolling arrows over to the left a bit to make more space.
- You will now only see People or Groups that have been imported in Admin or manually created within Admin when a new tenant is set up.
- An issue has been fixed that was causing the View Patent Tree link not to appear when adding a date in the Date section
- Secondary email addresses can now be assigned as the Primary email address type.