Once you've completed all of your options for your table of contents, you can begin filling out your protocol by clicking on sections within your table of contents.
Please note: Many aspects of your protocol form are configurable by your institution. If you have an inquiry regarding the questions, contact the administrator at your institution.
The following sections explain the types of questions you may be asked within your protocol.
Different pages may have multiple tabs with required questions you will need to fill out before a section can be marked as complete.
Required Questions
Required questions have a red dotted border around them. These questions must be answered before you submit your protocol.
If all required questions are answered within a section, a green checkmark will appear next to the section within the table of contents.
Text Fields
Text fields are provided when you need to input a custom response.
If the text field has a toolbox, then you will be able to input rich text, such as bolded or italicized text, custom alignment, or bullet points.
Radio Buttons
Radio button questions appear when only one choice is allowed from a set of configured choices.
Check Boxes
Check box questions appear when you can choose more than one choice from a set of configured choices.
Drop-Down Menus
Questions with drop-down menus are similar to radio button questions, and will let you select one answer from a set of configured choices.
Add From List
The Add From List option allows you to choose from data that you have inputted previously. For example, if you are a PI, you may be able to add funding from your current list of funds, depending on your approved protocols.
Add New
The Add New option allows you to add new data into the system, such as a new funding source, location, or strain.
When adding from a list or adding new data, you can edit the data by clicking on the list item, and then clicking Edit. The list item will show up as red if it needs your attention.
Delete or Remove
You can delete or remove an item from a list by clicking on the item, and then clicking Remove.
Learn about submitting your protocol here.