Within Department Manager, codes are required to enter transactions. Vendor codes allow the user to define vendor information into the database.
Entering Information on Vendors
- In the menu, click File.
- Click Vendors.
- On the initial set-up screen, click Edit and Insert to begin a new entry.
Vendor Fields
- Vendor Code: the vendor code that is being defined.
- Company: the company’s name.
- Address: the address of the company.
- Status: designates whether the vendor code is active or terminated.
- Phone 1: the phone number for the vendor.
- Phone 2: an alternative phone number for the vendor.
- Fax: the fax number for the vendor.
- Customer ID#: the user's customer account number with the vendor.
- Federal ID#: the Vendor’s Federal ID number.
- Vendor Type: the type of vendor.
- University Employee: defines whether the vendor is a university employee.
- Small: defines whether the vendor is a small business.
- Minority: defines whether the vendor is a minority business.
- Internal/External: defines whether the vendor is within the university or an external business.
- Receives 1099: defines whether the vendor receives a 1099 from your institution.
- Cost Center: designates a cost center associated with the vendor.
- SS#, First Name, Last Name: to enter information if the vendor is a university employee.