These are the release notes for Fund Manager, updated December, 2020.
- Administrative users can now save a user with a different username than their email address.
- Users now only see transactions that have a matching Org, or have a matching Org on the transactions-related Fund.
- Key personnel lookup now includes personnel that are listed as the Cost Center’s Principle Investigator on any transactions to which the user has access.
- When a user with org limits uses projections, they no longer see actual salaries when an employee’s line item is not within their org limits, but a lock icon instead.
- Users can now review and approve transactions within Fund Review without having to go to other screens.
- When on the new Cayuse Platform, institutions' unit profile data will be managed from the Admin Module, and customers will not have to enter/manage data in multiple places.
- When a user navigates to Fund Manager > Fund Review > Choose Person > Choose Fund and Month, and double click on a fund, the transaction screen now opens and allows the user to review and mark the transactions.