Effort certification can be completed by clicking on Project Effort from the menu.
- Click on Certification Control, and click on Initialize Certification.
- Use the drop-down menu beneath Certification Period to select a period.
- Check the boxes for Invalid, Ready, Prepared, and Enabled.
- Click List to generate a list of employees.
- Once the list is generates, click Prepare.
- Once the status reads Prepared and Ready to Enable, click Enable.
Once you are ready to certify a record, click on the certification icon to the right of the row.
Within the record, Summary, Transaction Details, Monthly Summary, Certification, and Decertification History tabs will provide you with complete information on the record.
When you are ready to certify, click Certify in the top right corner.
In the new dialog, leave a comment (optional) check whether you wish to send a notification to the employee and apply signature and certify effort, and click Save.