These release notes were last updated January 5, 2023. Information on this page is subject to change.
Please note: The updates below should occur automatically in your tenant, however, you may need to clear your cache or refresh your web page if they do not.
Release Summary
Here's a quick overview of the updates in this release:
- New API pulls Internal Associations with eRA Role by person
- Added additional line level validations and error messaging updates for HR Connect People and Unit files.
- Addressed some general maintenance items.
Anticipated Release Dates by Environment:
- Train - AU: Dec 1, 2022
- Train - SG: Dec 1, 2022
- Train - UK: Dec 1, 2022
- Train - CA: Dec 1, 2022
- User Acceptance Testing: Dec 1, 2022
- Demo: Dec 21, 2022
- Prod - US: Jan 24, 2023 (updated)
- Prod - SG: Jan 24, 2023 (updated)
- Prod - AU: Jan 24, 2023 (updated)
- Prod - UK: Jan 24, 2023 (updated)
- Prod - CA: Jan 24, 2023 (updated)
Detailed Release Notes
Admin Public API
- Reporting customer - Tulane: Internal Associations can now be pulled with eRA Role by person using the following new API: GET api/v1/people/{personId}/internal-affiliation/{affiliationId}/era-role/{id}
Admin: New and Enhanced
- A validation error message has been removed and will no longer be displayed when “0” is entered in the Calendar and the Summer/Academic fields.
HR Connect: New and Fixed
- Validation Enhancements and fixes:
- The People and Units field character upload limits have been verified and documented as the same in both the DB and UI.
- Multiple People files can be uploaded at once.
- Several line-level validations have been updated within the HR Connect People upload. See below for detailed updates.
- A bug has been resolved that now allows non-ASCII characters (ex: ÄÂÜàć) to be viewable in the upload reports.
- The User Active Support scenario clarifications table has been updated to include additional scenarios have been updated.
- We fixed an error that was causing issues when uploading a People file containing an employee ID with a comma in it.
- Resetting the Degree Year from a .CSV upload no longer returns a “0” in the error report.
- We fixed an issue that was causing duplicate records to process incorrectly during a People bulk update. Now, if an import contains duplicate employee ID or username records within the same .CSV file, neither of the duplicate records will be updated, and error message will indicate that the file cannot contain duplicate columns.
- Use of backslashes in uploads
- Uploading backslashes in a People file is not fully supported at this time.
- Any backslashes included in a Units file upload will be ignored and the record will import without it.
- RESOLVED with Jan 2023 release: HR Connect: Known Issues (working toward resolution)
- If there are blank spaces before or after a header, the data will upload successfully, however, it will not be visible in the report.
Detailed Error Message Updates
Reason for Error Message |
An upload is attempted that contains special characters (ex: !@#$%^&) in the following People bulk load fields: Year, NASA, NIH or NFS |
Old Error Message |
Generic 500 status code error. |
Updated behavior / Error Messages by Field |
Year: "Please enter a valid year between 1900 and 2100". NASA: “Record import failed.,NASA NSPIRES Id must not exceed 60 characters” NIH: "NIH Commons Id must not exceed 20 characters" NFS: "NSF Id must not exceed 9 characters." Please note: Validations have been added that shows at row level |
Reason for Error Message |
A record is trying to update with an invalid ORCID (wrong checksum). |
Old Error Message |
Please note:The Old error message was not line-level and if an invalid field value was uploaded, none of the records (valid or not) would not import. “Checksum validation failed, this appears to not be a valid ORCID."
Updated behavior / Error Message |
Line-level error message is shown for the failed records "Checksum validation failed, this appears to not be a valid ORCID." |
Reason for Error Message |
A record is trying to update with an invalid ORCID (invalid ORCID ID i.e., less than 16 characters). |
Old Error Message |
Please note:The Old error message was not line-level and if an invalid field value was uploaded, none of the records (valid or not) would not import. “ORCID format is invalid. ORCID is a 16-digit identifier. Last ORCID character can be X representing 10.” |
Updated behavior / Error Message |
Line-level error message is shown for the failed records "ORCID format is invalid. ORCID is a 16-digit identifier. Last ORCID character can be X representing 10" |
Reason for Error Message |
An attempt was made to create a new person using an existing linked user account. |
Old Error Message |
Please note:The Old error message was not line-level and if an invalid field value was uploaded, none of the records (valid or not) would not import. " Key (user_account_guid)=(427ed927-2267-4a8f-b954-83665b712808). Please ask Administrator for more information.","bd99cb61-62e2-4c8d-9d3b-1b6f0d26e7a9","","Failed" |
Updated behavior / Error Message |
“Accounts with the supplied username already exists and is linked to a different person. User account was not created.” at line-level |
Reason for Error Message |
An upload was attempted with invalid information in any of the following fields within People > Demographics: Disability, Gender, Race, Citizenship, Ethnicity. |
Old Error Message |
Please note:The Old error message was not line-level and if an invalid field value was uploaded, none of the records (valid or not) would not import.
“Disability specified is not valid. Race specified. Citizenship specified is not valid. Ethnicity specified is not valid. Gender Specified is not valid. Please ask Administrator for more information.” |
Updated behavior / Error Message |
Please note: Invalid Gender, Ethnicity, Citizenship, Race, or Disability field records will not be imported or updated, however, valid field records will still be imported or updated.
If a field contains invalid values, a row-level message can be seen in the report that says “<Fieldname> Specified not valid”.Example “Disability specified is not valid.” |
Reason for Error Message |
An upload was attempted containing letters and/or special characters in the degree year field. |
Old behavior |
“Degree Year is being imported as “0”.” |
Updated behavior |
“degreeYear: Please enter a valid year between 1900 and 2100.” error message is shown at line-level |
Reason for Error Message |
An upload was attempted that links an existing person with an existing unlinked user. |
Old behavior / Error Message |
The report says record import is succeeded though the person, and user link is not updated. |
Updated behavior / Error Message Example |
"More than one user was found with the same username. Key (username, tenant_id)=(user1, 922b4ce0-d61d-4561-b10b-4e9a0b9d448d)" is shown at line-level |
Reason for Error Message |
An upload was attempted with a blank username fieldand Create Account was marked as Yes. |
Old Error Message |
“This user must be associated with a email address." at line-level |
Updated Error Message |
“Username must have a value.“ at line-level |
Reason for Error Message |
An upload was attempted containing invalid values for Country and/or State/Province. |
Old Error Message |
The status column in the downloaded report was previously empty and no error was displayed. |
Updated Error Message |
The status column in the downloaded report is “Record import failed.” |
Reason for Error Message |
An upload was attempted containing 2,000 or more characters in the emergency contact field within the People template. |
Old Error Message |
“org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: could not execute batch” was shown in the report, none of the records (valid or not) would not import.
Updated Error Message |
“Emergency contact must not exceed 2000 characters.“ at line-level |
Reason for Error Message |
A People upload file contains at least one record where the employee ID has double quotes in the middle of the string (example: ”EID1”232"). |
Old behavior |
Job ID was given despite the job not processing successfully |
Updated behavior / Example |
412 response is given for upload end point with message "Invalid Row. Error parsing CSV line: 2, values: EID1\"232,,98;mlkkljklj,NID123,NSF123,NASA123,1234-4321-1234-4321,College,1999,Office crack,MALE,NOT_HISPANIC,WHITE,NONE,PERMANENT_RESIDENT,714-997-6907,914-997-6907,One University Drive,Two University Drive,United States of america,California,,Orange,92866,,,,,,yes,yes\n" |
Reason for Error Message |
A People upload file contains additional fields without a corresponding column header. |
Old Error Message |
A generic 500 status code error was shown for the file upload. |
Updated Error Message Example |
412 response is given for the upload end point with message "Invalid Row. Error parsing CSV line: 2 [G10aaa,aaa,cayuseadmin5,P,S,pName,no,g10,,g10aaa,null,123456,null,null,Degree1 aaadegree2,2041,1,MALE,NOT_HISPANIC,WHITE,HEARING VISUAL MOBILITY_ORTHOPEDIC_IMPAIRMENT OTHER,US_CITIZEN,714-997-6907,914-997-6907,null,null,null,null,1,Orange,92866,23,23,23,OfficePhone,xx,yes,no,xxx]"